Taxila Gurukul Private Limited

The main objective of the Company is:

  • To build, construct and develop infrastructure for schools, colleges, hospitals, Super Speciality geretric centres, rural schools, vocational colleges, industry specific training centres and TV and media institute.
  • To carry on the business of constructions of residential houses, commercial buildings, flats and factories shed’s and buildings in or outside of India and to act as builders, colonisers and civil and constructional contractors.
  • To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire sell and mortgage any estates, lands, agricultural lands, building easements or such other interest in any immovable property and to develop and turn to account by laying out, plotting and preparing the same for building purposes, for constructing building, furnishing, fitting up and improving buildings and by paying, draining and building on lease.
  • To buy, exchange or otherwise acquire, an interest in any immovable property such as houses buildings or lands with or outside the limits of Municipal Corporation or such other local bodies and to provide roads, drains, water supply electricity and lights within these areas, to divide the same into suitable plots and rent or sell the plots to the people for building, houses, bungalows and colonies for workmen according to the schemes approved by improvement Trust Development Boards and Municipal Boards thereon and to rent or sell the same to the public and realise cost in lumpsum or on installment or by hire purchase system or otherwise to start any housing scheme in India or abroad.
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